Awaken your senses in the Noosa Biosphere
What is the Noosa Biosphere Reserve? It’s a celebration of community and environment that recognises the ongoing efforts of the Noosa community to manage the region’s land, waters and wildlife sustainably, in balance with its urban population and visitors. Noosa Shire has held UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status since 2007.
Whether you’ve been here before or are planning your first visit, knowing that Noosa’s within a biosphere will make your holiday even more magical!
What makes the Noosa Biosphere so special?
Noosa was the first biosphere reserve in Queensland to achieve designation! It neighbours the Great Sandy Biosphere Reserve to the north, which makes us the only place in the world with two conjoining biosphere reserves – how epic is that?!
Noosa is so special due to its rich cultural history that values the arts and environment. The Noosa community respects the traditional owners of this land, the Kabi Kabi/Gubbi Gubbi people and works closely with Elders to ensure connection to country and Indigenous knowledge continues to be shared.
Experience Noosa’s protected environment and wildlife
Awaken your senses in Noosa’s stunning natural environment that’s full of rich biodiversity surrounding and weaving through its urban spaces. Nearly 40% is protected in national parks, conservation parks, State forests, lakes and systems.
The Noosa Biosphere is within the MacPherson-Macleay overlap, where temperate and subtropical climate zones meet, making Noosa the perfect place to visit all year round!
Noosa has front row seats to the ocean corridor that’s important to mega marine fauna such as the 18,000 annual humpback whale migration between July and November. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to see some whales resting with their calves in the bays on their journey south. Choose from many vantage points along the sweeping beaches, Noosa National Park and even from Little Cove’s penthouse apartments!
A unique world to discover within the Biosphere
Discover a species-rich river and lakes system with two nationally important wetlands, the Noosa River and Lake Weyba. A great way to explore is by boat, canoe or stand-up paddle board, which can be hired from many places along the Noosa River.
Surround yourself with 2,346 different plant species, including Noosa’s floral symbol, Keys Boronia, endemic to Cooloola. 44% of Australia’s total bird varieties live right here in Noosa, making this the perfect place for bird watchers and nature lovers. The region is also home to 3,023 wildlife species, including 10 iconic species.
Keep your eyes peeled for koalas, grey-headed flying foxes, glossy black-cockatoos, water mice, ground parrots, coxen’s fig parrot, the Cooloola & Wallum sedge frog, Cooloola blind snake, Australian lung fish and the three-toed snake-tooth skink.
Ready to explore the Noosa Biosphere?
We have featured the incredible natural wonders, outdoor activities, tours and rural towns that you can explore.
Stay within the biosphere
At Little Cove Court, you’ll be staying in the heart of the biosphere. Surrounded by nature, wildlife and a welcoming community, you’ll feel invigorated and refreshed.
Shrouded in beauty and with so much to see and do, Noosa’s the kind of place that will keep you coming back time and time again.